
sublime-jekyll ships with a number of configurable settings. These can be overridden globally in your User Settings file, or on a per-Project basis using the recommended Project Settings syntax.


sublime-jekyll settings prior to v3.0 have been deprecated!

We know that is a bit of a pain - we get it - but it was for the best moving forward.

To help with the transition, we have created some Jekyll Utility commands that automatically migrate your old, deprecated settings to new, fully supported settings. You can find these in the Command Palatte by searching for Jekyll Utility.

User Settings


Description:This should point to your _posts directory.


Description:This should point to your _drafts directory.


Description:This should point to your _uploads directory.


These should be absolute paths, not relative paths!

Also, the paths should follow your system-specific path convention. For example, Windows machines should have a path similar to C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_posts. Unix/Linux systems should have a path similar to /Users/username/site/_posts.


Description:If you don’t want to hard-code your _posts, _drafts, or uploads paths into your settings file, you can optionally have sublime-jekyll look for _posts, _drafts or _uploads folders open in your sidebar. If you don’t name the folders appropriately, or you use a non-standard file structure for your Jekyll project, you have a higher chance of returning path exception errors. This should have a value of true or false.


Default:{{ site.baseurl }}
Description:This string value should represent the baseurl for the uploads directory. For example, if your uploads directory is _uploads/ and you have an image called image.png, the output of inserting the image in your post would be {{ uploads_baseurl }}/uploads/image.png, with {{ uploads_baseurl }} replace by its value.


If you wish to have an absolute link and you have url defined in your Jekyll config.yml file, then you can set the value to {{ site.url }}/{{ site.baseurl }}.


Description:This string value determines the file type for new drafts and posts. It can be set to one of three accepted values: Markdown, Textile or HTML.


We use .markdown as the standard file extension for Markdown files as suggested by John Gruber, developer of Markdown, in his blog post here:


Description:A valid Python strftime string for a date.


Default:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Description:A valid Python strftime string for a datetime.


If for some reason you want to change the way either the date or the datetime string is formatted, you can override those formats using valid Python datetime.strftime() format codes.

If you need a refresher on these codes, have a look at the Python documentation found here:


Description:If set to true, the application will print Jekyll debug information to the Sublime Text console and can be retrieved by using Ctrl + `.


Description:If set to true, the application will hide the Jekyll Utility commands from the Command Palatte, and disable the commands from the menu.

Project Settings

For per-project settings, make sure you add your Jekyll settings correctly to your Project settings file. You can typically edit your Project file under Project > Edit Project.


These should be absolute paths, not relative paths!

Also, the paths should follow your system-specific path convention. For example, Windows machines should have a path similar to C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_posts. Unix/Linux systems should have a path similar to /Users/username/site/_posts.

# some-file.sublime-settings

            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/username/site/"

            "posts_path": "/Users/username/site/_posts",
            "drafts_path": "/Users/username/site/_drafts",
            "uploads_path": "/Users/username/site/_uploads",

See also

Read the conversation on issue #16 if you have questions on formatting your Project settings file correctly.